Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Test Worthiness

Reading this week's chapter reminded me of the beginning of last summer. When I think of summer I always think about tanning in the sun, warm days that turn into long nights, and fresh fruit by the pool. While this chapter didn't make me think about any of these wonderful things, it did make me think about how I started last summer with a class on statistics. This class was interesting due to the fact that it was being taught to a bunch of counselors and I kept thinking "how is this relevant to me as a school counselor?"
My question was answered after a few weeks into the class when our professor explained to us that all she wants us to do at the end of the course is to be able to understand how to read research journals in their entirety. Now I can thank my statistics professor for pushing that on us because I am reading more journals now than I was at the beginning of my program and knowing how to read them is a huge skill to have. I am now able to carry this skill over to my work with assessments. 

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